
Dear All,

I’ve not posted for about a year because I have the debilitating affliction knowns as “morgellons”, (diagnosed by a “Lyme” doctor).

As such, I have just started a site which will be devoted to helping those with the same hellish affliction –MorgellonsHelpTips – as there is no help to be had from the medical profession.

Clifford Carnicom, of the Carnicom Institute has done some amazing research and I will be linking to his site and others on my new blog, shortly.

I hope you will all take this matter seriously, because Clifford Carnicom and others have found, through their dogged research, that we are all infected, due to chemtrail output – only some of us become symptomatic earlier than others.  This has something to do with diet, lifestyle, probably genetics and stress.  If you have suffered trauma (such as an op), then you might become symptomatic.

So be aware.

Nigel Farage is a bigger person than his detractors

Is Nigel Farage “snarling” or “aggressive”?  I don’t know, because I’ve not met him.
Do I care if he is?  No.  Why? Because he’s a terrific UKIP leader.

I would be worried were he an expenses cheat, or suspected pervert, or had some kind of terrible past, because that would make him blackmailable and therefore politically maleable.  But unlike a large number of other politicians, he is none of those things.

In any case, even if he is “snarling” or “aggressive”, is that such a bad thing in a leader, or even a Prime Minister?  I think not.  One only has to recall the “nice man”, John Major, to see what damage a wet blanket can do to the country.

So I say to all Farage’s detractors, wind your necks in.  If you want power, try gaining it the hard way, as Nigel has, instead of trying to stab him in the back. Your power-grubbing and whinging says more about your lack of character than it says about Nigel Farage.

Keep going Nigel.  You’re tops.

Douglas Carswell excelled himself on the Daily Politics


At around 12:35 today:

Carswell refers to the Tory party as “a party that talks Eurosceptic at general elections but ends up agreeing with Michael Heseltine about further integration – the authentic voice of the Conservative Party establishment” and then …


“The Tory Party is an immensely sophisticated political force. It is the most successful democratic organisation in human history …”

Carswell interjects:

“It hasn’t won an election since 1982.”


“It has an enormous sense of survival …”

Carswell interjects:


That brilliantly timed little smile on Douglas’s face sealed Heseltine’s fate:  Douglas won hands down.

Excellent work!

Enoch Powell: A man of vision

The Enoch Powell of integrity and vision is not recognised by the presstitutes who write for once great newspapers.  I won’t link to their articles, out of principle.

Today’s papers are full of bile for the great patriot, Enoch Powell.  They cannot afford to have Powell’s words accepted by society because they all want uncontrolled immigration and the truth will kill off their hegemonic dream – which has become a nightmare for most people.

Thank you, Enoch Powell. Rest in peace.

Here is his famous “Rivers of Blood” speech, delivered to the General Meeting of the West Midlands Area Conservative Political Centre on 20 April 1968.  It criticised Commonwealth immigration, and anti-discrimination legislation that had been proposed in the United Kingdom.

Road building comes at a price: ‘Smart’ motorways are being installed

Thought the government was finally building some useful roads?

Well, no.  The government is installing in ‘smart’ roads.  These roads will have sensors, like the M4, in readiness for road pricing (per kilometer), remote speed control (permitted by new cars), driverless cars and much, much more.

Of course, cars will be probably be Internet-enabled, but in any case, almost all drivers carry either a ‘phone or satnav, so most cars are already Internet-enabled.  The smart grid includes not only smart meters, but smart streets (Intellistreets), smart roads, smart cards, smart cars and smart ‘things’.

Most of these ‘smart’ intrusions rely on wireless network technology, whose proliferation is already causing health problems.

If we allow it, our world will be controlled by a ‘smart’ “Internet of Things” – a term coined by IBM who has been at the forefront of this control grid of the technocratic globalists.

Kill it before it multiplies.



You can’t outKip UKIP: definition

This tired, nonsensical meme is a smokescreen. (Or should that be smokememe?)

What it actually means is that LibLabCon cannot afford to tackle UKIP’s issues:

  • because they can’t afford to tell the truth
  • because if they tell the truth, nobody would vote for them.

The truth is their Achilles heel, therefore. So let’s skewer them with even more truth until their pips squeak and their heads explode.

(And I bet some dingbat socialist or statist drone will be trying to find a way to link my previous sentence to incitement to violence).

TTIP: corporations to sue government in private, secret courts

Well worth watching this HoC Business, Innovation and Skills Committee hearing (which I can’t seem to embed in WordPress): :

“Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership TTIP Witnesses 1.  Frances O’Grady, General Secretary, TUC, and Sean McGuire, Brussels Director, CBI; 2.  David Babbs, Executive Director, 38 Degrees Visit the Committee’s homepage.

TTIP only masquerades as a “trade agreement”.  It is actually a corporate take-over of governments, facilitated by its hotly disputed ISDS facet.

 “ISDS grants a foreign investor the right to initiate dispute settlement proceedings against a foreign government. It is commonly included in free trade agreements, but opponents say it could leave local level policymakers vulnerable to libel proceedings from overseas investors, should local laws interfere with their ability to turn a profit.”

ISDS gives corporations the right to sue governments if they perceive that a government’s law reduces the profits of the corporations.  The corporations would have the right to sue the government in a private, secret court set up by the corporations where, even if the government won its case, it would end up paying the ‘legal’ costs.  This would have a chilling effect on governments pursuing policies agreed to by democratic consent at elections.

So via ISDS, corporations could dictate to governments, thereby instituting corporatocracy in what would be one giant customs union of the EU and the US.

This is the stuff of nightmares.

Update: At around10:58 into the hearing, Tory Caroline Dinenage starts badgering 38 Degrees’ David Babbs.  She asks how he dares to advise his members to urge the ditching of the TTIP agreement when he’s spoken to no experts and has not been privy to information around the agreement!

Never mind that the TTIP negotiations are secret.

Never mind that nobody yet knows the eventual terms of the agreement.

No, Dinenage thinks that Babbs is disqualified from campaigning because he is campaigning on behalf of the public. So, effectively, the Committee has called Babbs in to answer for campaigning democratically. This is very chilling from a free speech point of view, as it is not for MPs to hold the people to account.

Let’s have unity on Sound Money – re: Debate in the HoC & #UKColumn

Today, on the UK Column News, Mike covered the House of Commons debate on the UK’s money supply – the first such HoC debate in over a hundred years.  This is a subject that the folks at Positive Money have been pushing to have debated in the HoC for ages and yesterday, they finally got their wish.

Unfortunately, Mike said he couldn’t  support Positive Money, I guess because the UK Column is calling for the return of the Bradbury Pound. But both Positive Money’s approach and the UK Column have a common purpose, if you like: sound money.

While I admire Mike and the UK Column and greatly appreciate the work that the UK Column does, may I respectfully suggest that supporting organisations on issues on which we can find solid points of agreement is essential if we are to build strong alliances – and win.

For instance, not everyone in a party agrees on every issue and it is possible to have people within it whose views are virtual polar opposites in some policy areas but coalesce perfectly on others.  The reason people coalesce to form a party is so that they can use their collective strengths and individual strengths to fight for some general, common principle.  They are not ideological clones of one another, but they can agree where it counts.

What counts is that Positive Money is heading in the right direction and is having some success.

So I urge the UK Column to support Positive Money because we are brothers in arms:  we might not agree with them on everything, but they are going in the right general direction and we should support them on the issues they raise with which we agree.

The Powers That Be got the world to where it is via tiny increments. We need to be able to learn from our enemies and find common ground and new friends where we can.

Why not meet them half way?

Secret Police: Police told not to wear uniforms

So now we are to have secret police?

No doubt, to match:

  • our secret laws (that only the ‘security services’ and ‘child protective agencies’ may know about;
  • our secret courts, which operate outside of public scrutiny and which are entirely unaccountable.

Given the massive body of complicated law that we now have in this country, and that we are probably deemed to have broken the law umpteen times on a daily basis, are we are now to be entrapped going about our daily business by secret police?

How sinister is that?

Cameron WILL pay the EU’s €2billion bill

Why do I say that? Because here is what he said (my emphasis):

“But it has never been the case that a €2billion bill is suddenly presented. I am not paying that bill on December 1. If people think I am, they have got another thing coming. It is not going to happen. We are not suddenly going to get out our chequebook and write a cheque for €2billion. We will challenge this in every way possible. There may indeed be legal action.”

So Cameron’s gripe is that the enormous bill was presented “suddenly”.  He says he is not paying that bill, but qualifies his statement with “on December 1”.  Thus, he has left himself an escape route which, if he is true to form, he will use.

PS: It is clear, from the Mail’s graph below, that by loading the majority of the budget increase onto a small minority of countries, the EU Commission is counting on there being no support amongst member states for Cameron’s ‘fight’ against it. The allocation has Britain so spectacularly out in front as the major contributor that it looks more like a snooker: the EU Commission is counting on there being next to no support for a Cameron bid for a rethink.

This should test Cameron’s mettle and EU leanings.

UK's EU bill of 1