Road building comes at a price: ‘Smart’ motorways are being installed

Thought the government was finally building some useful roads?

Well, no.  The government is installing in ‘smart’ roads.  These roads will have sensors, like the M4, in readiness for road pricing (per kilometer), remote speed control (permitted by new cars), driverless cars and much, much more.

Of course, cars will be probably be Internet-enabled, but in any case, almost all drivers carry either a ‘phone or satnav, so most cars are already Internet-enabled.  The smart grid includes not only smart meters, but smart streets (Intellistreets), smart roads, smart cards, smart cars and smart ‘things’.

Most of these ‘smart’ intrusions rely on wireless network technology, whose proliferation is already causing health problems.

If we allow it, our world will be controlled by a ‘smart’ “Internet of Things” – a term coined by IBM who has been at the forefront of this control grid of the technocratic globalists.

Kill it before it multiplies.



G4S reads gas/electricity meters in prep for Smart Meter roll-out

I’ve just had 2 chaps from G4S at my door, cheerily asking me if they could read my electricity and gas meters.  I let them in, but I believe I should have refused them entry and instead contacted E.ON’s “customer support” to find out what the hell was going on. On their electronic devices, G4S also recorded the serial numbers of the meters.

One of them told me they “read meters” for E.ON, Scottish Power and British Gas.  What they didn’t tell me was that this is in preparation for the smart meter roll-out.

Why?  Could it possibly be because the climate change scammers believe they will meet with resistance when their “installation engineers” call to force you to have health-and privacy-destroying smart meters installed?

When I switched to E.ON, I told them that I did not want a smart meter in my home and they “assured” me that E.ON had no plans to roll out smart meters. It is the main reason I switched.

Here’s what you can expect from smart meters:

PS: It seems clear to me that although you will not be legally required to install a smart meter in your home, before long, you will be unable to find an electricity supplier unless you agree to have one installed.  No wonder they want to phase out gas, because you needn’t be on the grid to use it.

Time to make preparations for going off the grid.

PPS: Yesterday in Parliament, the HoC Public Accounts Committee discussed the smart meter roll-out.