
Dear All,

I’ve not posted for about a year because I have the debilitating affliction knowns as “morgellons”, (diagnosed by a “Lyme” doctor).

As such, I have just started a site which will be devoted to helping those with the same hellish affliction –MorgellonsHelpTips – as there is no help to be had from the medical profession.

Clifford Carnicom, of the Carnicom Institute has done some amazing research and I will be linking to his site and others on my new blog, shortly.

I hope you will all take this matter seriously, because Clifford Carnicom and others have found, through their dogged research, that we are all infected, due to chemtrail output – only some of us become symptomatic earlier than others.  This has something to do with diet, lifestyle, probably genetics and stress.  If you have suffered trauma (such as an op), then you might become symptomatic.

So be aware.